Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Hometown Hero

This is how Jerusalem was taken. –Jeremiah 39:1

What?! Academically I have known that Jerusalem was sacked multiple times, but it just kind of hit me. Jerusalem. God’s Holy City. The Holy City. God’s Hometown. Taken. How could an all-powerful God let his home town get razed? Where were all Elisha’s angel warriors on chariots? Where was the miraculous redirection of the Jordan river to wash out his enemies? Where were the earthquakes swallowing His foes? How could you, God, let this happen?

Do you feel like there are things in your life God could not possibly allow to be destroyed? Your car? Your career? Your house? Your family? Your ministry?

We live in a fallen world. Because of sin, even things that are good and ordained by God are subject to sin’s wrath. Everything we have and do and value are gifts from God and all can be taken away in just moments. But why would He allow this to happen?

Our God is a big God. He is a good God. He is a powerful God. A time is coming when all the destruction will end. Flip to the end of your Bible,to the book of Revelation, and here God is describing a new Jerusalem. The new Jerusalem will be a massive, ornate, worthy-of-the-King-of-the-universe class city. It’s roads will be paved with gold so pure it will be transparent. It’s gates will be inlayed with precious jewels. It will be teeming with life and love and happiness and this Jerusalem will not be taken. Sometimes God allows the things that we hold so dear to be taken because he has something better that He is preparing. But we need to trust Him. We need to be patient. We need to remember that He is good. Because He is worthy of our trust, deserving of our patience, and He is good. Don’t cry for old Jerusalem, but praise Him who is architecting the new Jerusalem.


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