Friday, September 11, 2009

Humbled by Hieroglyphics

And don’t think you know it all! – Romans 12:16

I don’t know about you, but I know everything, and I’m right about everything. I’m not one of these who will defend their position even after realizing they are wrong and being proven beyond the shadow of a doubt they are wrong. No, I can admit when I’m wrong – it’s just never the case that I’m wrong. ;) Do you know someone like that? Is that you?

How arrogant we are! There is only one person who knows everything, and that’s God the Father. Even Jesus demonstrated his lack of complete knowledge admitting that he did not know the time or place he would return.

If we thought about it long enough, even the smartest among us, we could come up with at least a few things about which we have absolutely no knowledge. Do you have a good understanding of Bulgarian tax law? Do you know how to perform a bi-pass surgery? Can you read ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics? Do you know the names of all 1.5 billion people in China? Lets come a little closer to home. Do you know what was the scariest thing that happened to your spouse or kids or siblings this week? the most encouraging? Do you know what God wants you to do today?

My guess is that stepping back for a minute, we can all admit that we are not all omniscient.  Recognizing I don’t know it all also helps me to not think of myself more highly than I ought and to consider others as more valuable than myself. Additionally, because of Jesus’ sacrifice, we have direct access to the only One who is! His omniscience comforts me and helps me to approach Him humbly.

God, You know everything and I know nothing in comparison. I’m comforted by Your knowledge over me. You know everything about me and everything that has and will happen to me, and You love me still. You can choose to share Your knowledge with me or choose to keep me humble, and I know that You will work it all out for good. You are the only One worthy of praise! Amen.


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