Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Right Question

“Brothers, what should we do?” –Acts 2:37b

This was the question the audience asked after Peter’s powerful message in the first part of Acts on the day of Pentecost. His spirit-filled words elicited just this one question from the mouths of those in earshot - “what should we do?”

When we hear God speak to us through his Word, through our pastor at church, or through other Christians, are His words meant just to make us feel good or even just convicted? Rarely – I would contend that the right follow-up question to His words is most often “what should we/I do?”

Remember that faith without works is dead. We can’t merely claim to believe Jesus saved us from our sins, we have to show it by forgiving others. We can’t merely believe in generosity, we have to give generously. We can’t merely believe in love, we have to actually demonstrate our love for others.

Jesus, help us to learn to live out our faith in good works.


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