Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Greatest Joy

I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth. – 3 John 1:4

I’m a father. At the time of this post, my kids are 4 (Josh) and 2.5 (Jake) and T-1 month (Sam). With each new child God blesses us with, we conjure up new hopes and dreams for each one. We picture what they will look like when they get older, what kind of profession they might have, what sort of music they will like, or what sorts of things they will accomplish as they get older. I can identify with John here though, that my greatest hope for my children is that they will grow up to follow the Truth.

Beyond our own offspring, our “children” include those to whom we’ve provided spiritual leadership – our spiritual children. There’s a great amount of joy associated with seeing those who we’ve mentored running after Him as well.

Lord, we pray for our children – whether by blood or spirit – that they will walk in the truth and follow after you.


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