Sunday, January 18, 2009

Back in the Game

Back in college, I thought it might be cool to syndicate some thoughts I had about what I was learning in my devotional times. I actually managed to get 200 people to “subscribe” to my devotionals. Of course, back then, we were all using plaintext email clients and there was no such thing as a spam filter. Nowadays, if I tried to send an email to 200 people simultaneously, no one would receive the email, or if they did, it would surely show up in the black hole of the common Junk Mail folder.

Of course, in this new “Web 2.0” world, we have blogs for this purpose. I’ve been thinking/praying a lot recently about starting this practice back up. I already have two blogs – one at where I post the whatever stuff, and I have one at work: for more technical stuff. Neither of those seem appropriate locations for this content. I wanted a place where this content wouldn’t be lost amongst the other content I post to those pages.

So, if you’re interested, subscribe on your RSS reader, add a favorite, or set this as your homepage. I’m going to try to post to this more regularly than to my other ones, and I’ll keep comments moderated, but I welcome constructive participation in the comments sections.



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