Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Evidence of Things Unseen

When God promised Abraham that he would become the father of many nations, Abraham believed him…even though such a promise seemed utterly impossible. Abraham never wavered in believing God’s promise. In fact, his faith grew stronger, and in this he brought glory to God. – Romans 4:18,20

Has God ever promised you something? Not something He promises everyone, but has He promised something just to you? I know I’ve gotten promises before – and there’s one that has stuck with me for many years. I’m not going to tell you what it is. What my promise is isn’t as important as the fact that it’s a promise. I don’t understand mine, I don’t know how God will fulfill it through me, but I hear Him tell it to me over and over.

I can imagine what Abram must have been thinking as God promised him that he would be the father of many nations. “God, did I hear you right? Maybe you got the wrong Abram.” For some reason, we have no problem believing our all-powerful God is able to create the universe, molded life out of dust, and has planned all events through all time, but we doubt that he can fulfill the promises He gives us.

I heard a wonderful sermon this Sunday from Andy Stanley on the subject of faith. He describes faith as what we do concerning the promises of God. Hope, by contrast, is what we do concerning things God hasn’t promised, but that we think He would want or that we would want. I hope I get a new job, find a girlfriend, get pregnant, my friend gets healed, my sister gets saved. I have faith that Jesus will return, that God won’t flood the Earth again, that God loves me, that God’s character will never change, that He is true to his promises. It’s in his promises that we can have faith and stand sure-footed.

I’m not sure how God implements his promises, what events lead up to the fulfillment of the promise, and I’m not sure what the fulfillment will look like exactly. I’m sure many Jews at the time didn’t expect the fulfillment of the Messiah to look like Jesus. I’m not convinced I’ll know God’s unique promise to me when I see it, but there is one thing I know. He will fulfill it. I can have faith in that.

Lord, give us faith in You and in Your promises. Help us to trust You when You answer prayers differently than what we hope for. You are true and good. Amen.


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