Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Freedom from Speech

Obey the government, for God is the one who put it there. Pay your taxes and import duties, and give respect and honor to all to whom it is due. – Romans 13:1,7b

I may have mentioned before that I tend to lean conservative in the political spectrum so you may be able to figure out which way I voted in the most recent Presidential election. America is a great country, founded to protect our individual and collective freedoms. One of our most cherished (and exercised) freedoms is the freedom of speech. It is fantastic that we have the option to speak out against the choices our government makes without fear of incrimination. There is a difference, though, between challenging ideologies in healthy debate and just flat-out disrespect.

Many of you, I am confident, have seen or at least heard about Rep. Joe Wilson’s heckling of the President during his recent address to a joint session of Congress.

Now, Rep. Wilson has publically apologized and recognized that he was out of line. Both political parties have condemned his actions, so there is no question here that everyone recognizes the incorrectness of this situation – I merely use this as an example.

God put our government in place. Just because we disagree with the choices that our government makes some times and just because we have the freedom to speak about it doesn’t mean we should necessarily exercise that freedom. Is what we are saying disrespectful? Does it honor those in the government? I’m not saying we should be quiet, but there is a difference between political disagreement in the proper forums and just flat out lack of respect.

When our government officials do something that is morally wrong, they should be held accountable. They should deal with the consequences, and in a democracy or a republic like ours, we the people are charged with holding those officials accountable. That doesn’t mean smearing them and ridiculing them at the water-cooler. It doesn’t mean seemingly endless media stories belaboring all the same points. How do  you think it looks to our enemy (or our friend) nations when they see the people of America bashing our own leadership? How do you think it looks to God when we mock the leadership He has put in place?

I don’t agree with the choices our government makes on many issues, but they are the government God has appointed and they are due our respect for that reason alone.

Lord, thank you for our government, and for all the leadership of our country which You have put in place. God, help me to respect and honor the Mayor, Governor, and President that govern the land in which I live. Strengthen them to carry our Your will. Help them to lead with wisdom, confidence, and justice. God we know that ultimately, You are the one in charge. This is Your world and we are Your people. Political differences aside, Your Word is the one true Law of the Land and we trust in You. Amen.


At September 15, 2009 at 1:35 PM , Blogger Jaclyn said...

Thanks, Patrick for reminding us to live "up" a little and not be so easily persuaded to join in bashing someone else for their mistakes.


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