Monday, September 28, 2009

Ugly-Day Exorcism

Philip said, "Lord, show us the Father and that will be enough for us." – John 14:8

Don’t you wish you could just see Him? Just once? What it must have been like for Moses on top of  Mt. Sinai to see the face of God. The anticipation kind of reminds me of when we’ve been expecting our 3 boys to arrive and wondering what they would look like. They are so close – just on the other side of a thin layer of skin and tissue – but we couldn’t see them until the appointed time. We see echoes of what they will look like in the ultrasound, but it’s just not a very clear picture.

Jesus responds to Philip in the passage above by saying that if he wants to see the Father, he need look no further than than Jesus himself. His reasoning is that the Father lives in him and he in the Father. The same Spirit that lived in Jesus also lives in us, so we too are the face of the Father.

So, when you next look at yourself in the mirror, don’t feel defeated, depressed or unhappy. Instead, tell yourself, “You look divine!” And you’d be right!

Father, thank You for living in us. Help us to reflect Your glory in this dark world. Let others see You in us and help us to represent You well. We love You. Amen.


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