Thursday, October 22, 2009

You Put Your Right Hand Out

Why do you hold back your hand, your right hand? – Psalm 74:11

We all get frustrated with God at some point about this – don’t we? Psalm 74 starts by describing the people who are destroying Israel. Asaph (the author) is pleading with God to do something about it. God – how could you allow this to happen to your children Israel? Why don’t you help us? Why don’t you do something?!

Have you ever had a good friend or family member infected with a disease that was destroying their body? Has your family ever been in a circumstance that started tearing your family apart? Why does God allow bad things to happen to those he supposedly loves?

That’s too big a question to answer in the scope of a devotional like this, but our hope comes from the following verse, “But you, O God, are my king from of old; you bring salvation upon the earth.” – Psalm 74:12.

God is King. History is the story of his will revealed. God holds our past and our future in his hands. Let’s rest confident today in his power. When God can but doesn’t, he’s got something better in mind. We need to trust him. Be confident today because He is our King, the one who brings salvation to the earth.


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