Monday, October 12, 2009

Beamer Bounce

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts – Colossians 3:15

When we hear the verse above, most of us tame it by hearing something more like let the peace of Christ be in (or take up a part of or live in) your hearts. What Paul is really saying here is that we should allow the peace of Christ to govern our hearts. Peace should be king over all other emotions and states of being in our hearts. Do we feel worry or fear or anger rising up? Let PEACE rule. Is self-doubt, hate, or despair making an appearance? Let PEACE rule.

At the beginning of every home game for the Virginia Tech Hokies, the team runs out onto the field to a stadium of fans jumping up and down (the “Beamer Bounce”) to the tune of Enter Sandman by Metallica. That’s the imagery I have as I envision the peace of Christ coming into our hearts and flushing out any other of these destructive emotions. Our spirit is doing the Beamer Bounce as it ushers in the powerful force of Peace to rule in the Lane Stadium of our hearts.

I found a powerful verse I repeat to myself out loud when I need the peace of Christ to be ushered into my heart: John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. That is an awesome verse to commit to memory and, as I mentioned, repeat over and over out loud until Peace slaps the Hokie Stone and runs out onto the field.


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