Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Question of the Morning

Last night, Pastor Furtick, pastor of Elevation Church, where Megan and I “attend” (I put that in quotes because the word attend doesn’t do justice to our commitment to and involvement in this body of believers and move of God we are a part of) laid down vision for the next chapter in Elevation’s story. It was rather exciting. [I’m going to need to make this brief because my computer’s telling me my battery is about to die :( ]. Pastor encouraged us to ask ourselves What does God want to do through me? That’s a great question for entering this next chapter in our church’s history, but' it’s also a great question to start the day with.

What does God want to do through you today? Maybe He wants to holy-ly mess you up. Maybe He wants to teach you about sacrifice. Maybe He wants to bless you some-kind-of-crazy.

Lord, what do you want to do through me today?


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