Monday, November 16, 2009


Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer
– Romans 12:12

This verse caught my attention this morning because the tone of it makes it sound like Paul is telling us to have these qualities about us under circumstances which would not ordinarily allow for that quality, yet upon initial inspection of those qualities and circumstances, they do not seem like ones that would ordinarily contrast. In other words, it seems odd at first to have to be commanded to be joyful in hope and faithful in prayer…at first.

Reflect for a moment today: Am I joyful in hope? When I long for something, do I do so joyfully or do I do it impatiently and frustratingly?

Am I patient in affliction? Do I wait expectantly without complaining when I am in circumstances that are harmful or uncomfortable for me?

Am I faithful in prayer? Think of this in both senses of the word faithful. Am I consistent and disciplined in my prayer life? Do I meet with God regularly to both speak and listen to Him? And when I pray, do I do so in faith that He will answer? Do I trust Him to respond to me in a way that is for my good?