Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Morning Person

Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.
-Mark 1:35(New International Version)

I volunteer at my church in what I think is a pretty cool way. I chose it originally because it fit best into my schedule – I have to be there at 4AM and I’m usually done by around 5:15AM on Sunday mornings. I drive a box truck full of equipment to the high school where my church meets. I love it for two reasons: I work in the background (I’m not the spotlight kinda guy) and the other is because there’s something special about early in the morning.

I think God must be a “morning person.” Whenever I’m awake that early in the morning, for whatever reason, whether that’s leaving on a family vacation, driving to a football game, getting ready for a race, or driving a truck for church, God seems to be there. I suppose this is why Jesus may have woken so early in the morning to pray. It’s easier to connect with Him early in the morning. If you’ve had trouble connecting with Him, try waking up early. I don’t know if it’s the stillness, the quiet, the solitude, the lack of distraction, or some combination thereof, but God likes to wake up early and start the miracle of a new day in an active way.

I guess it makes sense that God would be a morning person – he’s kinda into new beginnings.